Thursday, July 8, 2010

Devise Authentication Test deployed at Heruko

Last wednesday 07/07/2010 I managed to deploy my new sample Devise Tool in Rails 3.0 application :) and i'm quite happy successfully deployed it at Heroku | a Ruby Cloud Platform as a Service. The name of my app is

Its basically a sample authentication with a lot of feature and minimum code experience behind because the GEM already set it all for me. This Gem composed already 11 modules that will able to use inside the Model called User in my case. It has 11 modules namely (Database Authenticatable, Token Authenticatable, Confirmable, Recoverable, Registerable, Rememberable, Trackable, Timeoutabl, Validatable, Lockable) and so far I don't have any question and problems when I tried to manage modifying the looks and feel of the niffty Generator authored by Ryan Bates from Railscasts :)

It's kindda pretty though as it's very simple to use. Go try it yourself and see the difference running this cool Gem compare to just creating a User Model authentications inside your system w/ not much security compared to this well modularized toolkit at gitHub called "Devise".

My next plan is to try another PDF gem file named PDFkit ... else I have to stick on Prawn of RfPDF.

see you next time ;) andre